Easy Rider

Easy Rider

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Assignment 1-4, Weekly Written Analysis

          We are a connected society.  We can reach, and be reached, by anyone at anytime, 24/7.  Technology is a wonderful thing...or is it?  "Smartphones, text messaging, video calling and social media" (Meece, 2011) have invaded the business world.  These gadgets not only keep us in touch with our friends and families, they keep us connected to our jobs even when we are with our friends and family.  We can be available to our work while at our kid's Little League game, to dinner with our spouses, or even the beach in Maui.  The good and bad of these technological advances really forces us to create a balance between work and home.
            At times, it is hard to figure out if it is the organization we work for that is somehow creating an environment that requires us to stay connected or are we just creating that perception.  Some of us may fear the employee who chooses to stay connected has the "upper hand", so to speak.   The truth of the matter is it is up to each one of us to make the determination of how much these wonders of technology will become part of our daily lives.  Some of use prefer to keep our personal and home lives separate and not be "on" all the time.  Others can manage to be connected at all times.  For the sake of our health and sanity, some need to shut down and relax.  Others function just fine managing a blackberry for work and an iPad for home. 
            Does staying connected really make us better at our jobs?  Some believe we are too distracted by our gadgets and this "always connected" mindset may have us doing too many things at once, which increases our margin for error.  Remember the pilots "who overshot their destination two years ago because they were using computers" (Meece, 2011)? 
            On the upside of our connectivity, we no longer have to stay at the office to complete projects after hours.  We can bring it home with us and be with our families while working.  Of course, for those employees whose work often takes them away from home, these "gadgets" can be an invaluable source of connection to the family they miss while on the road.      
            I love all the gadgets available that keep me connected with my family, friends and work.  However, that does not mean I love the idea of being available to any of them at any time.  I like my down time.  At this time in my career, I do not need to be connected 24/7.  However, since my husband and I work for the same company and he is connected 24/7, I guess I am too.  Technology is here to stay and so is 24/7 connectivity.  It is all about creating the balance that works for each of us.

MEECE, M. (2011). Who's the boss, you or your gadget? New York Times, , 1. Retrieved from http://0-search.ebscohost.com.olinkserver.franklin.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db= a9h&AN=57809059&site=ehost-live.

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